Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo

GFD Higher Education Library

GFD Higher Education LibraryGFD 高等教育図書館

GFD library aims to offer professors and graduate students the chance to read the latest books on teaching and learning, as well as diversity in higher education and specific teaching techniques and tools.


Library Catalog蔵書目録

You can search and browse the GFD library collection through UTokyo OPAC.


Library Location図書館の場所

FD Room, KIBER 313, Komaba I Campus

駒場Iキャンパス 駒場国際教育研究棟313 FDルーム

How to borrow books本の借り方

Please contact us at gfd-tokyo[at] with your name, affiliation, and the title and author of the book you want to borrow.
