Global Faculty Development The University of Tokyo


Terms of Employment雇用条件


Salary is paid on the 17th every month. If the 17th lands on a weekend, salaries are deposited the Friday before. If the 17th lands on a holiday, salaries are deposited the first following weekday.


Pay slips給与明細書

Online pay slips are now the default. You can find your pay slip on Todai Portal here:


Categories on your pay slip給与明細に記載されているカテゴリー

  • Long-term Cooperative(長期共済): Pension plan長期協働型(長期共済):年金制度
  • Short-term Cooperative(短期共済): Health insurance短期協力(短期共済):健康保険
  • Income tax: Income tax is imposed after the long-term and short-term cooperatives are deducted from your salary.所得税です:所得税は、給与から長期・短期協同組合費を差し引いた後に課税されます。
  • Residence tax: The residence tax is paid beginning with your second year of residence in Japan and applies retroactively to the previous year’s tax obligation. If you leave Japan after your appointment at the University of Tokyo, you are required to pay the residence tax for your final year of residence the following year.住民税です:住民税は、日本に居住して2年目から納付し、前年の納税義務に遡って適用されます。東京大学に赴任した後、日本を離れる場合は、翌年に最終在留年数分の住民税を納める必要があります。

Health insurance健康保険

In principle, you are signed up for health insurance through the university. Dental care is covered as well. The receptionist at the hospital/clinic will ask you to show your insurance card on your first visit, as well as the first visit of each month thereafter. Typically, you get a 70% deduction, resulting in paying 30% of the doctor’s fee and any prescriptive medicine.


Health checkup健康診断

Health checkup is provided annually as part of your health benefit. You have two options:


  1. Take the health exam offered on campus. (Dates are specified but free of charge.)学内で実施される健康診断を受診する。(日程は指定されますが、無料です)
  2. Take a comprehensive medical checkup at a hospital. The university offers a subsidy that pays for part of the fee.The results of the medical checkup are not related to your employment in any way.病院で総合健診を受ける。健康診断の結果は、就職とは一切関係ありません。

Employment insurance, paid sick leave雇用保険、有給休暇

Both of these benefits may be offered by the University depending on the terms of your employment. Check with administrative staff about details.


Maternity and paternity leave出産・育児休暇

It may be possible to ask for paid maternity and paternity leave. Ask administrative staff for details.


Commuting allowance通勤手当

Depending on the terms of your employment, the University will provide a commuting allowance if you live more than 2 kilometers from campus. The University will calculate the most cost effective route of commute, which may not be the route you request. This allowance is paid every month. It is possible to get a commuting pass, which is cost effective if you take the same route more than 20 days a month. To obtain a commuting pass, check at your local train station.



Those using COOP are strongly encouraged to join the University Cooperative for 16,000 yen.This will be refunded when you opt out of the cooperative. Membership benefits include a 10% discount on books purchased in the COOP bookstore.


(By courtesy of ALESS/ALESA Programs, Center for Global communication Strategies)提供:ALESS/ALESAプログラム、グローバルコミュニケーション戦略センター

The rules and regulations of the University of Tokyo can be found here:東京大学の規約はこちらでご覧いただけます

The rules and regulations規約